insight journal

An open access International refereed research publishing journal with a focused aim on promoting and publishing original high quality research dealing with theoretical and scientific aspects in all disciplines of Information Technology.





About GIJ

Giff insight Journal was published since 2020 in West Africa Ghana- an open access International refereed research publishing journal with a focused aim on promoting and publishing original high quality research dealing with theoretical and scientific aspects in all disciplines of Information Technology. GIJ iis an international scientific research journal focusing on issues in information technology research. A large number of manuscript inflows, reflects its popularity and the trust of world’s research community. GIJ is indexed with major indexing and abstracting organizations and is published in both electronic and print format. All articles are available under cc by-nc-nd licensing.


What do we look for in your Research while conducting blind Peer Review

CALL FOR PAPER - Submission deadline Deacember 17th, 2022 | 23rd AABD annual Conference - La version Franaise Suit- Industry 4.0 Dynamic Global Business Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa | DATE: May 16th - 20th , 2023. University of East London UK.

1- Relevance

Its contents have to be of use to anyone practicing one of the disciplines addressed by the journal.

- The paper is relevant to the technical scope of the journal and to the professional interests and activities of its audience.

- Ideally it should present new knowledge or technology that has the potential to help the reader in their professional work as practicing scientists / engineers.

2- Innovation

It should present new knowledge or technology, or analyze previously known facts in a new way.

- A paper should present new knowledge or analyze previously known facts in a new way. Additionally it should take full account of previously published work on its subject.

- A case history is appropriate if it presents the application of existing technology in a new way or in a new location or environment where it has not previously been used and that requires new and previously un-used techniques or analyses.

- A review paper is appropriate if it finds connections between previously unrelated facts or commonality between previously uncompelled facts and results, or makes deductions that give the reader substantiated guidance on the accuracy and applicability of the reviewed analyses.

3- Technical Detail

It should be logically sound, and it should give sufficient detail to allow the reader to replicate the work it describes and to assess its applicability to other environments.

- The research design, methods, and analyses are adequately defined and clearly described, well integrated, well reasoned, and appropriate to the aims of the project.

- The paper should present sufficient detail of the application, methods and analyses employed and results achieved to allow the reader to replicate the work descried but also to evaluate its applicability to the environment and problems on which they are working.

- Statistical / Analytical tests are appropriate and the assumptions underlying the use of statistics are fulfilled by the data.

- The statistics are reported correctly and appropriately.

4- Presentation and Documentation

It should present clearly and concisely in the GIJ's standard format all relevant data and information to support the conclusions and to indicate their limitations.

- The text is well written and easy to follow..

- The introduction builds a logical case and context for the problem statement.

- The problem statement is clear and well articulated.

- The data reported are accurate (e.g., the numbers add up) and appropriate; tables, graphs and figures are used effectively and agree with the text.

- The amount of data presented is sufficient and appropriate.

- Results are presented effectively; the interpretations of the results are appropriate and the conclusions accurate.

- The conclusions are clearly stated and follow from the design, methods, and results; the justification of conclusions is well articulated.

- The study limitations are discussed.

- Statistical differences are distinguished from meaningful differences.

- Practical significance or theoretical implications are discussed.

- Reference citations are complete, accurate and up-to-date. The number of references is appropriate and their selection is judicious.

5- Professional Conduct (Responsibilty of Authors)

It must avoid commercialism and plagiarism, and must not have been published previously

- There are no commercial references.

- There are no instances of plagiarism.

- Ideas and materials of others are correctly attributed.

- Substantial portions of the data or study should not have been previously published.

Scope of Journal FOR Information Technology

All peer review is now based on the above criterion for all submitted manuscripts.

  • International Trade
  • Trade Facilitation
  • Continental Free Trade Agreements

  • SOLAS Conventions
  • Port Tariffs
  • Ports Cyber Security Strategies

  • Port Expansion

  • Port Congestion

  • Port Competitiveness

  • Customs Procedures

  • Safety and Security

  • Technology Adoption

  • Cost of Doing Business

  • Oil and Gas

  • Warehousing

  • Demurrage and Detention

  • Digitalization in Ports

  • Capacity building

  • Supply Chain Management

  • International Transportation (Air, Sea, Land, Rail, etc)

  • Risk Management

  • Transport Insurance

  • Inland Water Way Transport

  •  Free Port

  • Dry Port

  • Business and Marketing geography

  • Transportation geography

Submit Paper / Call for Papers

Journal receives papers in continuous flow and we will consider articles from a wide range of Information Technology disciplines encompassing the most basic research to the most innovative technologies. Please submit your papers electronically to our submission system at http://giffinsightjournal.org/submit-paper in an MSWord, Pdf or compatible format so that they may be evaluated for publication in the upcoming issue. This journal uses a blinded review process; please remember to include all your personal identifiable information in the manuscript before submitting it for review, we will edit the necessary information at our side. Submissions to Giff insight journal should be full research / review papers (properly indicated below main title in case of review paper).

Online Submission System

Email Subscription

Subscription to our News Letter and give up to date Research projects and information in your email.